24 June 2016 nobel

Sports Day 2016

Dear Parents

8:30 am – 1.45 pm

Nobel’s annual Sports Day will take place on Friday 8 July. Students will make their own way to the Ridlins Stadium for 8:30 am to register, with competition commencing at 9:00 am and finishing at around 1:45 pm. There will be a minibus available to shuttle students who have no access to transport from school to Ridlins from 7:45 am onwards.

On this day it is important that students wear the correct PE kit and bring warm clothes and waterproofs just in case the weather turns inclement. It is also advisable to bring plenty of water, suncream and a hat for protection against the sun. No face paint is allowed to be worn on the day.

We would be grateful if all students could wear a tee-shirt of their house colour:

Curie Blue
Eliot Green
Mandela Red
Theresa Yellow

There will be no food provided on the day, so students should bring a packed lunch with them. Students who receive free school meals will have a packed lunch provided for them which will be delivered to the stadium.

If you would like to come and watch your son or daughter compete, there will be a designated area for parent spectators; please note that parents will not be permitted to access other areas in the athletics stadium and will not be able to sit with students. The taking of photographs and videos is permitted, but no material should be placed on any form of social media. A map of the venue and timetable is on the school website.
Yours sincerely

Director of Learning for Performance Faculty

Sports Day Booklet

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