We are proud of our Nobel School uniform, which is worn by all students in years 7 to 11. The following must be worn at all times. Class teachers may give permission for blazers to be removed when conditions are hot.

Uniform Requirements
- Dark blue blazer with school logo badge – worn sleeves down.
- Dark blue tailored trousers or skirt – skirt knee length, pleated, not a “hugging” fit.
- Plain light blue shirt, which must be tucked in. Shirt must take a tie; therefore, not a blouse.
- School house tie
- Plain navy “V” neck jumper.
- School house tie.
- Black shoes, not trainers or boots.
We expect students to wear black school shoes (usually leather); not trainers, boots, canvas or branded sport shoes. This is partly for reasons of appearance but also, importantly, for health and safety. High heeled shoes must not be worn.
School coats should be warm, wind and water-resistant. Hoodies do not constitute a school coat. They may give the community the wrong impression of our lovely students and must not be worn to/from school. All trousers must be conventional, ‘tailored’; not leggings/jeans.
Fashion hairstyles (steps, beading, coloured hair braids etc.) are inappropriate for school. Hair should be of a natural colour, (i.e. no pinks, reds, blues, purples etc.) and an appropriate length. Students with inappropriate hairstyles will be set work by the subject teacher and will work separately from the other students; usually in Reflection.
The permitted jewellery are plain studs (not hoops, stretchers or “dangly”) and a watch. There should be no facial, or other piercings of any description; students may be asked to remove all other jewellery. This is for safety as well as to avoid loss of precious items. Make-up must be in small amounts, discreet, and not clearly visible. False nails, acrylic nails, nail varnish or false eyelashes are not permitted to be worn.
The headteacher is authorised to decide upon the school uniform and has the final say, or decision, on uniform specific issues, e.g. extremes of hairstyle.
If students persist in not wearing correct uniform they may, as a last resort, be excluded from school.
Clothing and Equipment for Physical Education
- Navy blue Nobel PE T-Shirt
- Navy blue shorts
- Navy blue/white Nobel rugby/football socks
- Football/rugby boots (students will be told when these will be required)
- Lace up trainers (not black pumps or high-top boots)
- Gum shield – it is recommended that students purchase a gum shield for contact sports such as rugby to give them optimum protection.
- Shin pads
- Water Bottle
- Navy and white rugby top

As with all other personal items, the school cannot accept responsibility for property which is lost, damaged or mislaid.
Labels and permanent marker do not usually do the job properly. Please also ensure these items are clearly labelled with the student’s name somewhere on the inside of the article. This will enable the retrieval of items from the lost property box. Full names are better than just initials.
Ordering Uniform
From 1st October 2024, Smarty Schoolwear will be our designated supplier of branded uniform items. Smarty will stock all items of Nobel uniform, but parents are able to order any item that is not branded from any supplier, as long as it meets the requirements above. Smarty’s website is available here, and items should be in stock in Stevenage town centre