Updates from the school, information for key workers and parents of vulnerable children and information about free school meals.

Updated Guidance For Parents And Carers On The Wider Opening Of Educational Settings

We have updated our information for parents and carers about the wider opening of education settings to include details about opening secondary schools to years 10 and year 12 pupils from 15 June and to provide links to guidance on safer travel.
The guidance can be found here:


We have been informed some students and parents have received a letter from ESFA (Education & Skills Funding Agency, Department for Education) asking for personal learner bank details in relation to the 16 to 19 Bursary Fund.

The Department for Education will never ask for personal bank account details. This is a fraudulent letter – please do not respond.

Learning from home

Headteacher's assembly

Easter Holidays Update

Dear Parents, carers and Nobelians,

As you know tomorrow we would have finished at lunch time ready for the start of the Easter holidays. Even though so much has changed in the last couple of weeks, we still want you all to enjoy a break over Easter and so no classwork will be set from Monday 7 April to Friday 17 April. Normal lesson work will be set again from Monday 20 April.

Whilst the holidays would normally be a time for going out, seeing friends and enjoying (hopefully) some better Spring weather, we do appreciate that the next two weeks may well be quite a challenge for families who have to balance parents working from home, children cooped up in the house and the threat of boredom. Therefore we have created a booklet of fun optional activities that you can dip into as much or as little as you want in order to help you enjoy your time off. The booklet can be accessed from the link to the right on this page (scroll down on a mobile device). Some activities ask you to refer to more detailed instructions which will be posted on Show My Homework from Monday, just because the files are too big to go into the booklet, but please remember that these are optional activities, not part of your regular curriculum.

We hope that everyone is able to enjoy some family time over the Easter break and that you all stay well and keep safe.

Naomi Rose
Deputy headteacher

Update From The Headteacher 31/03/2020

Dear parents, carers and Nobelians,

I think we would all agree that these are very challenging times. I pay tribute to all of you who are still going to work keeping our essential services going including our wonderful staff, many of whom supervise vulnerable students and those whose parents are engaged in essential work.

Our whole school community has responded in typical Nobelian style and we should like to pay tribute to all our staff who continue to support all our students by setting work and giving regular feedback. Our year heads and senior staff can still be contacted in the usual way.

Obviously there are doctors and nurses doing really valiant work, but our school contributes to the national emergency in a smaller but albeit significant way.
We ask that you continue to encourage all our students to complete set work, it’s vital they don’t fall behind in their studies.

Take care and stay safe

Martyn Henson
The Nobel School

For all previous updates regarding Covid-19 please click the button below. Any important information will be moved to this page over the next few days.

Information For Key Workers Or Parents Of Students Classed As Vulnerable

The school is open from 9.00am – 3.00pm for children of key workers and vulnerable students only. Only students on the list will be allowed into school. If you have not registered as a key worker, please do not send your child into school.
The school will only be open for years 7 – 10 only. Year 11, 12 and 13 students should work on their own at home.

Please let your child know the following:

  • Students do not have to wear uniform
  • Students should enter by the main reception area to sign in.
  • They will be asked to wash their hands before doing anything else.
  • They will be directed to the hall to wait to be told what will be happening
  • Unless your child is entitled to a free school meal, please send them in with a packed lunch.
  • Please stress to your child the importance of remaining at a distance of 2m from everyone.
  • The areas that your child will be in will be cleaned before and after they enter

however, please try to send them into school with hand sanitiser.

Do not send your child in if they are coughing and or have a temperature

Free School Meals

Apply For Free School Meals

Click ehre to apply for free school meals for your son or daughter.

Free School Meals FAQ

Frequently asked questions for parents and carers about free school meal eCodes and eGift cards.

Be Aware Of Scam Emails

We have been informed that some parents have received an email stating the following: ‘As schools will be closing, if you’re entitled to free school meals, please send your bank details and we’ll make sure you’re supported’.

We can confirm that this is a scam email and is not official. We urge parents that if you receive any emails like this, please do not respond, and delete it immediately.

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