Update Monday 23 March

Students of key works need to be in school by 9am or they will not be allowed in. The school will open again at 1pm for free school meal students to come in for lunch.

If you have registered as a key work you do not need to register again. If you are registering for the first time and have more than one child you need register each child individually.

Sunday 22 March

To parents of students who are key workers and parents of students classed as vulnerable:

The school is open tomorrow from 9.00am – 3.00pm for children of key workers and vulnerable students only. Only students on the list will be allowed into school. If you have not registered as a key worker, please do not send your child into school. You should have received an email with details on Friday but click on the link below to register:

Key worker and vulnerable children registration

The school will only be open for years 7 – 10 only. Year 11, 12 and 13 students should work on their own at home.

Please let your child know the following:

  • Students do not have to wear uniform
  • Students should enter by the main reception area to sign in.
  • They will be asked to wash their hands before doing anything else.
  • They will be directed to the hall to wait to be told what will be happening
  • Unless your child is entitled to a free school meal, please send them in with a packed lunch.
  • Please stress to your child the importance of remaining at a distance of 2m from everyone.
  • The areas that your child will be in will be cleaned before and after they enter however, please try to send them into school with hand sanitiser.

Do not send your child in if they are coughing and or have a temperature.

To parents of students on Free School Meals

The school will provide a meal for your child tomorrow if you register using the same link as for key workers. If you haven’t already done so, register your child as soon as possible. Lunch will be served at 1.00pm. We are investigating a different solution and will let you know what that is as soon as possible.

Thursday 19 March

All lettings are cancelled as from 3.00pm on Friday 19 March 2020 until further notice.  We will update the website once we are in a position to resume all bookings.


All school trips are cancelled for the foreseeable future. This includes the planned trips for the enrichment days and all work experience and work shadowing.
We are in negotiation with trip companies and the government about how deposits might be repaid. We will contact you when we have further information. Thank you.

Working From Home For Families KS3 Stretch and Challenge  Reading List KS4 Stretch and Challenge  Reading List

Wednesday 18 March

We currently have 21 teachers absent, this means that tomorrow we can provide a normal timetable for yr.7, Yr.9, Yr. 10, Yr.11 and Yr13.

Year 8 and Year 12 will need to work at home tomorrow Thursday 19 March. Work will be set for all their lessons in show my homework.

Thank you for your help and understanding at this difficult time, there will be another update tomorrow morning.

Dear Parents / Guardians,

Unfortunately, due to the government guidance to reduce social contact to avoid the spread of the Covid-19 virus, we have taken the decision to suspend all instrumental lessons from Wednesday 18 March 2020. This is a precautionary measure that we think is the right decision in the current climate.

We have informed the music centre about the lessons, and I will be meeting with Christina Luchies to discuss any money that has already been paid. As soon as we have information about this, and about lessons restarting we will contact parents individually with dates and times.

If you have any further questions about this or anything else music related, please contact me at Andrew.Hardy@nobel.herts.sch.uk .

Kind regards,

Mr Hardy
Head of Performance

Tuesday 17 March

Dear parents / carers,

Unfortunately we have 30 staff who are unable to come to school tomorrow following advice from the Government. We therefore will have to have a partial closure and to help with this we would like year 9 students to stay at home tomorrow, Wednesday 18 March, but as it stands we would like to them to come to school on Thursday.

Year 10 students will be sent home after lunch tomorrow.

Work will be set for them on Show My Homework.

Please keep monitoring your emails and the website for further information.

The Nobel School


Monday 16 March

  • The following trips scheduled for this month are now cancelled:
    • Jamie’s Farm
    • Northern France MFL visit
  • Until further notice, all extra-curricular and after school activities will be cancelled.
  • The Year 10 parents’ evening on Wednesday 18 March is cancelled.
  • The Year 10 celebration breakfast on Friday 20 March is cancelled.

Thursday 12 March

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