30 November 2016 nobel

Schools Closure Notification System – Parent Sign Up

There is a new Schools Closure Notification System which has recently been set up by Hertfordshire County Council which will allow the school to notify the council of a school closure, major incident, crisis or emergency. Parents should register to receive these notifications either by SMS or by email as this will be the schools only method of contacting parents in the event of an emergency school closure due to bad weather or
To register please visit the following website:

Register for alerts
  • At the “Sign Up” page click on the “sign up” button located at the top right hand side of the page on the grey strip and from there follow the instructions. It should take no more than 5 minutes to register and you can edit your information at any time should you change your mobile number or email address.
    Each contact within the system can have 2 devices added for each communication type which means that in addition to adding your own mobile number and email address, you could include the mobile number and email address of a partner or a grandparent. They too would then receive any messages in relation to the school’s closure. Alternatively, interested parties could register themselves separately.
  • If you have children at more than one school you can register for those schools too in a single registration process by selecting all schools you have children at. Once signed up you will receive messages should the school close in the event of an emergency.
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