Relationship, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) is part of a lifelong learning about physical, moral and emotional development. At Nobel School, RSHE is centred on personal safety, caring for others and building strong family relationships. This is coupled with teaching students about sexual health (including safe sex), and sexuality.

Effective relationship, sex and health education is essential if young people are to make responsible and well informed decisions about their lives. RSHE at Nobel School is intended to help students learn about relationships, emotions, sexuality and sexual health. We aim to present relevant facts in an objective and balanced manner. Lessons are set in the context of the family, friends and wider societal issues and address responsibilities that arise from within these relationships. RSHE at Nobel School will help young people learn to respect themselves and others and move with confidence from childhood through adolescence into adulthood.

Under the Education Act 2002/Academies Act 2010 all schools must provide a balanced and broadly-based curriculum which:

    • promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and of society, and
    • prepares pupils at the school for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life

All maintained secondary schools must provide relationship and sex education (including education about sexually transmitted disease such as HIV and AIDS and child protection issues such as FGM and child sexual exploitation) and must teach human growth and reproduction as set out in the national curriculum. This is a statutory requirement.

At Nobel all students have an hour a fortnight of RSHE which is delivered as a discreet subject from Years 7 through to 13. At key stages 3 and 4 there are three key elements covered each year:

  1. Health and Wellbeing
  2. Living in the wider world
  3. Relationships

Details of the specific topics covered can be seen in the curriculum overviews below.

RSHE is a non-examined subject and assessment is completed mainly formatively in class through recall questioning and do now tasks. At the end of each unit students will complete a recall quiz to test their overall knowledge for the topics covered.

Long Term Plans

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