9 March 2023 nobel

Industrial Action 15 and 16 March

Dear parents and carers,

As you may have heard, the NEU (National Education Union) is extending its industrial action next Wednesday 15th and Thursday 16th March.

In preparation, we have made the following additional arrangements for next week’s strike:

There will be school for year 11 and year 13 only. As we cannot predict how many staff will be in school, we may have to send year 11 home if we cannot cover their lessons.
Lunchtime will be shorter, but food will be available. There will be no clubs. So, school will start at 8.45am, students to go straight to form and finish at 2.45 pm. There will be no year 13 assembly.

If there are any changes to the above arrangements, we shall contact you again.

May I stress again, this dispute is not with Nobel and for the sake of all young people, we hope that an agreement can be reached as soon as possible.

Thank you for you continued cooperation during this difficult time.
Martyn Henson

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