2 December 2016 nobel

British Values Assemblies

I have been talking to the whole school about ‘British values’ through year assemblies this week. It is actually a Government requirement that all schools promote the values of:

  • Freedom
  • Tolerance
  • Democracy
  • The rule of law

These are fundamental values that we should cherish as Nobelians. I also made connections between the values, to help our young people grasp how one value leads to another. For example, that our individual freedom cannot be unlimited as it might impinge on the freedom of others: accepting alternative views and being tolerant of others is vital, so long as those views are within the law. I would like our whole school community to emphasise these values, and would therefore encourage you to discuss them at home. If we were to have an inspection, Ofsted as the government agency that monitors schools, would want to see that we both promote British values and challenge behaviour that threatens them.

Below is the PowerPoint that has shown in the assemblies.


Martyn Henson

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