4 September 2018 nobel

Arrangements for Prospective Parents’ Evening

Dear Parent/ Guardian,

You may be aware that Tuesday 11 September is the prospective parents’ evening for Year 6 parents to visit the school as part of the transition from primary to secondary school. In order to ensure that the school is set up for this extremely busy evening we shall be closing early for students at 12:55pm, the end of period 4.

Free school meals students will still have food provided and there will be a limited lunch offer available from our caterers. Students will return to school at the later time of 9:30am on Wednesday 12 September 2018.

Every year I am extremely proud of our students who act as ambassadors for the school, both as guides and demonstrators in individual departments. You may receive a separate permission letter from staff asking for your son or daughter to be in school to take part in this important evening. I hope you will feel able to support them in participating if this is requested and in ensuring that they get home safely at the end of the evening.

Thank you for your support.

Yours sincerely,

Mr B Burningham
Deputy Headteacher

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