Job Archives

[ut_three_fourths] Nobel School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of our students and we expect all members of staff and volunteers to share this commitment. Our aim is to establish an environment where students feel secure, are encouraged to talk, and are listened to when they have a worry or concern. Parents and carers may also contact us where they have concerns about the welfare or safety of their child. Parents need to understand that schools have a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children who are their students, that this responsibility necessitates a child protection policy and procedures, and that a school may need to share information and work in partnership with other agencies when there are concerns about a child’s welfare. A copy of our Child Protection policy, which is updated and reviewed annually, can be accessed here on the website in the section entitled School Policies, Statements and Plans.

Contacts at Nobel

The school has a Safeguarding team. In line with this, and regardless of the source of your concern, you MUST report your concern ASAP. [ut_one_fourth]


Martyn Henson Martyn Henson (ext. 221)


Steve Morley Steve Morley (ext. 269) [/ut_one_fourth] [ut_one_fourth]


Tara Marshall Tara Marshall (ext. 225)


Naomi Rose Naomi Rose (ext. 224) [/ut_one_fourth] [ut_one_fourth]


Corrina Reeder Corrina Reeder (ext. 242)


helen Taylor Helen Taylor (ext. 244) [/ut_one_fourth] [ut_one_fourth_last]

Heads PA

Sue Crow Sue Crow (ext. 221) Chair of Governors: Peter Hepplethwaite and Kelly Hagland – contact via heads PA or reception. [/ut_one_fourth_last] [/ut_three_fourths] [ut_one_fourth_last] CEOP Reportin Link

Under 18 and worried about online sexual abuse? To report, click to visit the CEOP Safety Centre.


Safeguarding Our Community

Everyone at Nobel shares an objective to help keep children and young people safe by contributing to: Providing a safe environment, identifying children and young people who are suffering or likely to suffer significant harm and taking appropriate action. This information is provided to ensure you understand what is expected of you. Please seek advice from the safeguarding team if anything contained here is unclear.

Keeping Everyone Safe

We all have a part to play in keeping children safe whilst working on or visiting the school site. This is whether you are directly employed by the school, or working as a contractor or sub-contractor, or a volunteer. Everyone who comes into contact with children, whether paid or voluntary, are responsible for their own actions and behaviour. You should avoid any contact which would lead any reasonable person to question your motivation and intention. We must also take steps to keep ourselves safe. Our actions can sometimes be perceived in a way that was not intended. We want to promote safe working practices for everyone on the school site, whatever your role. To keep yourself safe please follow this guidance. [ut_one_half]

Do's and Dont's

  • Do treat everyone with respect;
  • Do provide an example you wish others to follow;
  • Do plan activities so that they may involve more than one person or at least in the sight of others;
  • Do respect a child’s right to personal privacy;
  • Do remember that someone else may misinterpret your actions however well intentioned;
  • Do not make inappropriate comments or have inappropriate banter with children;
  • Do not jump to conclusions without checking facts;
  • Do wear your visitors’ badge (security pass system) at all times;
  • Do be aware that verbal interaction with students may be interpreted by them as offensive or as harassment even if this was not your intention;
  • Do report any unacceptable/ inappropriate behaviour from a student;
  • Do be aware that contact made outside of school, as a result of you visiting the school site, may have an impact.

Worried About a Child?

Abuse (physical, sexual, emotional) or neglect can have a damaging effect upon a child’s health, education, attainment and emotional wellbeing. If you are concerned, please report these concerns to the DSL/class teacher immediately. [/ut_one_half] [ut_one_half_last]

Disclosure of Abuse by A Child

Whilst this can be alarming, it is important that you know what to do.
  • Stay calm and controlled; listen to what is said without showing shock or disbelief.
  • Accept what is being said.
  • Allow the child to talk freely, listen rather than direct, by asking questions.
  • Reassure but do not make promises you cannot keep.
  • Explain that you will talk to the staff so that they can help.
  • Do not ask leading questions.
  • Stress that talking was the right thing to do.
  • Record details immediately, attempt to use the exact words used by the child; sign and date this.
  • Immediately report your concerns and give any written information to the safeguarding team.

Safeworking with Nobel School

  • Provide a good example and be a positive role model.
  • Treat all children equally, never build a special relationship or favour a particular child above others.
  • Ensure when working with individual children that you are visible to others.
  • Do not photograph children (unless express permission has been sought and granted) or exchange any personal information.
  • Do not receive or give gifts unless arranged through the school.
  • Only touch children for professional reasons and when this is necessary and appropriate for the child’s well-being and safety.
  • Never engage online with children and do not give out any contact details.

Safeguarding Our Community Everyone at Nobel shares an objective to help keep children and young people safe by contributing to: Providing a safe environment, identifying children and young people who...

Please click on the link below to view the Nobel News:

Please click on the link below to view the Nobel News: Nobel News – 21 October 2022

PowerPoint presentation given by Mrs Phillips on Monday 6th March plus resources. (more…)

PowerPoint presentation given by Mrs Phillips on Monday 6th March plus resources.

Please click the link below to view the Nobel News:

Please click the link below to view the Nobel News: Nobel News – 10 March 2023

Dear parents and carers, As you may have heard, the NEU (National Education Union) is extending its industrial action next Wednesday 15th and Thursday 16th March. (more…)

Dear parents and carers, As you may have heard, the NEU (National Education Union) is extending its industrial action next Wednesday 15th and Thursday 16th March.

Dear parents and carers, As you may have heard, the NEU (National Education Union) still intends to take industrial action next Wednesday 1 March. In preparation, we have made the following additional arrangements for next week’s strike: Year 7 should come to school and report to their tutor room registers will be taken at 9:45am. School will finish earlier at 2:45pm. They should bring books and expect to be taught in all four lessons
  • Year 11 will be taking their mock examinations and should arrive on time for their first examination. Some students will have morning examinations, these will start at 8:30. If students do not have an examination in the morning, they should study at home. All yr11 students should be in school for their Maths examination at 12:30. For both sessions please report to the auditorium
  • Year 12 and 13 should come into school at the usual time, attending all the lessons that are running and then leaving school at 1:20pm, there will be no afternoon lessons.
  • All other year groups, Yr. 8, Yr. 9, and yr.10 will need to stay at home, work will be provided.
Lunchtime will be shorter, but food will be available. There will be no clubs. If there are any changes to the above arrangements, we shall contact you again. Thank you for your continued cooperation and support, Warm regards Martyn Henson

Dear parents and carers, As you may have heard, the NEU (National Education Union) still intends to take industrial action next Wednesday 1 March. In preparation, we have made the following additional...

Please click the link below to view the Nobel News:

Please click the link below to view the Nobel News: Nobel News – 24 February 2023

Please click the link below to view the Nobel News:

Please click the link below to view the Nobel News: Nobel News – 3 February 2023

Please click on the link below to view the Nobel News:

Please click on the link below to view the Nobel News: Nobel News – 20 January 2023

Please click on the link below to view the Nobel News:

Please click on the link below to view the Nobel News: Nobel News – 16 December 2022

Please click on the link below to view the Nobel News:

Please click on the link below to view the Nobel News: Nobel News – 25 November 2022

Please click the link below to view the Nobel News:

Please click the link below to view the Nobel News: Nobel News – 11 November 2022

Relationship, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) is part of a lifelong learning about physical, moral and emotional development. At Nobel School, RSHE is centred on personal safety, caring for others and building strong family relationships. This is coupled with teaching students about sexual health (including safe sex), and sexuality. Effective relationship, sex and health education is essential if young people are to make responsible and well informed decisions about their lives. RSHE at Nobel School is intended to help students learn about relationships, emotions, sexuality and sexual health. We aim to present relevant facts in an objective and balanced manner. Lessons are set in the context of the family, friends and wider societal issues and address responsibilities that arise from within these relationships. RSHE at Nobel School will help young people learn to respect themselves and others and move with confidence from childhood through adolescence into adulthood. Under the Education Act 2002/Academies Act 2010 all schools must provide a balanced and broadly-based curriculum which:
    • promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and of society, and
    • prepares pupils at the school for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life
All maintained secondary schools must provide relationship and sex education (including education about sexually transmitted disease such as HIV and AIDS and child protection issues such as FGM and child sexual exploitation) and must teach human growth and reproduction as set out in the national curriculum. This is a statutory requirement. At Nobel all students have an hour a fortnight of RSHE which is delivered as a discreet subject from Years 7 through to 13. At key stages 3 and 4 there are three key elements covered each year:
  1. Health and Wellbeing
  2. Living in the wider world
  3. Relationships
Details of the specific topics covered can be seen in the curriculum overviews below. RSHE is a non-examined subject and assessment is completed mainly formatively in class through recall questioning and do now tasks. At the end of each unit students will complete a recall quiz to test their overall knowledge for the topics covered.

Long Term Plans

Click the links below to view PDFs

Relationship, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) is part of a lifelong learning about physical, moral and emotional development. At Nobel School, RSHE is centred on personal safety, caring for others and...

Please click on the link below to view the Nobel News:

Please click on the link below to view the Nobel News: Nobel News – 7 October 2022

Please click on the link below to view the Nobel News:

Please click on the link below to view the Nobel News: Nobel News – 23 September 2022