Job Archives

Please click on the link below to view the Nobel News:

Please click on the link below to view the Nobel News: Nobel News – 19 December 2019

Please click on the link below to view the Nobel News:

Please click on the link below to view the Nobel News: Nobel News – 6 December 2019

Please click on the link below to view the Nobel News:

Please click on the link below to view the Nobel News: Nobel News – 22 November 2019

Please click on the link below to view the Nobel News:

Please click on the link below to view the Nobel News: Nobel News – 8 November 2019

Please click on the link below to view the Nobel News:

Please click on the link below to view the Nobel News: Nobel News – 18 October 2019

Please click the link below to view the Nobel News:

Please click the link below to view the Nobel News: Nobel News – 4 October 2019

Please click the link below to view the Nobel News:

Please click the link below to view the Nobel News: Nobel News – 20 September 2019

Please click on the link below to view the Nobel News:

Please click on the link below to view the Nobel News: Nobel News – 19 July 2019

Please click on the link below to view the Nobel News:

Please click on the link below to view the Nobel News: Nobel News – 28 June 2019

Please click on the link below to view the Nobel News:

Please click on the link below to view the Nobel News: Nobel News – 14 June 2019

FINAL Poster 2019On Tuesday 18th of June the Performing Arts Faculty is proud to present the very first Nobel Festival, showcasing the fantastic work that students are doing in their lessons across the faculty. There are two performances, one from 3:30pm to 5:30pm and the second from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. We are always looking for additional performers so if your son or daughter is interested in taking part, please ask them to speak to Mr Gimson, Mr Hardy or Mrs Llewellyn in the performing arts office. We look forward to seeing you there, The Performing Arts team    

On Tuesday 18th of June the Performing Arts Faculty is proud to present the very first Nobel Festival, showcasing the fantastic work that students are doing in their lessons across the faculty. There ...

Please click on the link below to view the Nobel News:

Please click on the link below to view the Nobel News: Nobel News – 24 May 2019


Vision Statement

At The Nobel School we are committed to provide an outstanding Careers Education and Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) programme for all students. CEIAG can play a key role in promoting good learning by helping students to focus on good action planning to attain their long term goals. All CEIAG at The Nobel School is aspirational, impartial and unbiased, so that our students are able to prepare themselves for a world of work that is changing rapidly; young people now are likely to experience five to eight major career changes in their lives in a variety of industry sectors. They will also be experiencing more fluid forms of working with increasing casual, contract and part-time work options.
[/ut_two_thirds] [ut_one_third_last] Website Careers Page Photo [/ut_one_third_last] [ut_clear] Website Careers Page Photo We are committed to:
  • Securing independent and impartial careers guidance for students in Yrs 8-13 that includes information on the full range of education and training options, including apprenticeships and vocational pathways
  • Using the Gatsby Benchmarks to develop and improve our CEIAG provision, working towards accreditation for the Quality in Careers Standard by December 2021. The Quality in Careers Standard has been structured, and will be updated as required, to ensure educational institutions meet the requirements of legislation, careers strategy and Government guidelines relating to CEIAG as well as the Gatsby Benchmarks. It provides a framework for both the delivery and for the evaluation of CEIAG and the process can help to provide independent, objective evidence for inspections (e.g., Ofsted). If a secondary school or a college holds the national Quality in Careers Standard, parents can be assured that it provides its students with careers support of the quality of the best. The Headteacher commented on this: "A fundamental part of school life is to prepare students for life after school. The Gatsby Benchmarks are an inherent part of what we do at school because we think they are at the heart of what makes a good Nobelian." M. Henson 2019
  • Recognising the importance of providing young people with real-life contacts and experiences from the world of work
  • Working closely with Services for Young People and our Enterprise advisor.

Information for Employers

We recognise the importance of strong links with local and national businesses to support our careers education, information, advice and guidance. We support and organise work-shadowing and work-experience activities for years 8, 10 and 12; and secure a wide-range of guest speakers through the ‘Speakers for Schools’ programme. This provides lectures/presentations to tailored groups with an interest in specific careers. We run these sessions on a flexible arrangement to support the availability of the employer/employee and can run these in classrooms or the auditorium depending on the interest for the career. Our tiered auditorium can cater for up to 250 students at one time. Our website has several hyperlinks to local employer websites which highlight current vacancies, and we provide in-school support to help students with applications and research additional information relating to company profiles. Local job vacancies sent in by email are also advertised on our public display screens around the school and updated monthly to reflect current vacancies. If you would like to be involved in delivering future talks or are able to support our work experience programme or would like us to promote your vacancies then please contact:

Information for Parents

Parents and carers play a very significant role in helping students to make informed choices about their study options and decisions about their future careers. We would encourage you to discuss with your child their options and future aspirations. There is no ‘one size fits all’ approach and we recognise that all students must be able to make informed decisions avoiding pre-conceived ideas or stereotypes. Students have access to individual career guidance from a qualified careers advisor from our partner Services for Young People. We welcome parents and carers’ input and recommend that you attend activities at school such as GCSE and A-Level Options’ evenings. We also run career update sessions during the academic year with information about school activities and events as well as interactive use of our career platform Unifrog. Should you wish to discuss your child’s future options, please contact their form tutor in the first instance or our careers leader via email at: [ut_service_icon_box color="#fbba00" hovercolor="#002664" icon="fa-file-pdf-o" headline="Parents' Information" width="fourth" last="false" target="_blank" url=""] Career's information for parents' and careers' Feb 2024[/ut_service_icon_box] [ut_service_icon_box color="#fbba00" hovercolor="#002664" icon="fa-file-pdf-o" headline="Year 8 Work Shadowing" width="fourth" last="false" target="_blank" url=""] Yr8 – Work Shadowing document[/ut_service_icon_box] [ut_service_icon_box color="#fbba00" hovercolor="#002664" icon="fa-file-pdf-o" headline="Year 10 Work Experience" width="fourth" last="false" target="_blank" url=""] Yr10 – Work Experience document [/ut_service_icon_box] [ut_service_icon_box color="#fbba00" hovercolor="#002664" icon="fa-file-pdf-o" headline="Year 12 Work Experience" width="fourth" last="true" target="_blank" url=""] Yr12 – Work Experience document[/ut_service_icon_box] [ut_clear]

Information for Staff

All staff contribute to CEIAG through their roles as form tutors and subject teachers. Through PSHE and tutor time, Form Tutors deliver specialist sessions. Heads of Year liaise with the Careers Coordinator to address the needs of all students, including support from teachers and external agencies, such as Services for Young People. Members of the Sixth Form team deliver PSHCE progression programmes for students applying both to universities and to training/employment, with input from the Careers Coordinator. Staff have access to an internal SharePoint resource area. Resources include subject specific careers information PowerPoints and links to Nobel alumni career talks for subject specific careers. Posters identifying transferrable skills and future career options for each subject are used in lessons and on career noticeboards.

Information and Resources

We have a well-stocked careers library, situated in the main library, which is available to all students. The careers library includes specialist careers’ software and a wide-range of paper based resources, including higher education prospectuses. Students in all years have access to our careers platform ‘Unifrog’. Regular assemblies for all year groups take place throughout the year led by the Careers Coordinator. Students complete Unifrog activities during PSHCE, form time and drop-down days. The Sixth form students use the platform to support their UCAS and apprenticeship applications.

Careers Programme

There is an extensive programme of events and lessons that is available to students from Year 7 to Year 13. [ut_one_half]

Year 7

  • Nobel ABCs – Achieve your best, Build your character and Care for your Community
  • Introduction to Unifrog
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Year 8

  • Take Your Child to Work Day (Spring Term) – Work shadowing
  • Unifrog research activities
  • Employer mentoring, through ‘Services for Young People’ – Enrichment day
  • ‘Robot Rumble’ at MBDA
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Year 9

  • Post-14 Pathways guidance, including:
    • use of Unifrog;
    • interviews for students and parents with senior staff
  • University of Herts (UH) Pathfinder visits
  • Employer mentoring, through ‘Services for Young People’ with additional careers interviews as necessary
  • ‘Robot Rumble’ and ‘Glider Challenge’ at MBDA
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Year 10

  • Year 10 work experience week (June)
  • Use of Unifrog – checking GCSEs and career future requirements
  • Careers fair
  • Visits to North Herts College (NHC)
  • Employer mentoring, through ‘Services for Young People’
  • ‘Glider Challenge’ at MBDA
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Year 11

  • Post 16 Pathways evening, with representation from NHC, AIM Apprenticeships, Develop Training and Nova Training
  • Use of Unifrog – checking GCSEs against future FE, HE and apprenticeship routes
  • Post 16 Pathways one-to-one guidance, including assistance with applications and interviews
  • Visits to NHC & other local training providers
  • At least one interview with ‘Services for Young People’ careers adviser
  • ‘Discover’ day at University of Hertfordshire
  • Support at GCSE results day from NHC and Nova Training, as well as individual meetings with senior staff
  • Sixth Form Induction – ‘Creating your Vision’ session, study skills session from UH & introduction to post-18 destination options
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Sixth Form

  • Year 12 Parents’ Information Evening including information on apprenticeships
  • Visit as available to the Skills Show in London
  • Visit to UCAS Higher Education Convention
  • Year 12 work experience week (June)
  • One-to-one guidance on UCAS applications
  • One-to-one guidance on apprenticeship and employment applications
  • Apprentice workshops, delivered by ASK
  • ‘Hidden Job Market’ workshop from Future First
  • Student shadowing for a range of courses at UH
  • Fashion Retail Academy workshop with ‘Visionpath’
  • Drop in sessions with ‘Services for Young People’ advisers

Whole School

  • Visiting speakers from local and national companies, including Nobel alumni
  • Visits and talks from employees and employers - ‘Speakers for Schools’ programme
  • Careers information and contact with employers in lessons

Careers Evaluation

We evaluate the quality of our careers provision and its impact on our students in a variety of ways. The School monitors and evaluates the destinations of students to help inform our future decisions and to support our curriculum development. The provision and evaluation of the Careers programme is part of the yearly School Improvement Plan. Our evaluations focus on a variety of matters including:
  • what benefits students gain from particular CEIAG activities
  • whether students have proper access to the programme
  • whether we are making the best use of time and other resources

You can find further information here:

[ut_clear] [ut_service_icon_box color="#fbba00" hovercolor="#002664"  icon="fa-globe" headline="Unifrog" width="fourth" last="false" target="_blank" url=""]Nobel's career platform[/ut_service_icon_box] [ut_service_icon_box color="#fbba00" hovercolor="#002664"  icon="fa-globe" headline="UCAS" width="fourth" last="false" target="_blank" url=""]UCAS is an independent charity providing information, advice, and admissions services to inspire and facilitate educational progression.[/ut_service_icon_box] [ut_service_icon_box color="#fbba00" hovercolor="#002664"  icon="fa-globe" headline="Services for Young People" width="fourth" last="false" target="_blank" url=""]Services for Young People provides information, advice and guidance for young people aged 13-19[/ut_service_icon_box] [ut_service_icon_box color="#fbba00" hovercolor="#002664"  icon="fa-globe" headline="HOP into" width="fourth" last="true" target="_blank" url=""]The Local Enterprise Partnership work with private and public sector partners to secure investment and economic growth for residents, businesses and the wider community.[/ut_service_icon_box] [ut_clear] [ut_service_icon_box color="#fbba00" hovercolor="#002664"  icon="fa-globe" headline="Find an Apprenticeship" width="fourth" last="false" target="_blank" url=""] Government website to find an apprenticeship.[/ut_service_icon_box] [ut_service_icon_box color="#fbba00" hovercolor="#002664"  icon="fa-globe" headline="Amazing Apprenticeships" width="fourth" last="false" target="_blank" url=""]A website to help educators, employers and students navigate the fast-changing world of apprenticeships.[/ut_service_icon_box] [ut_service_icon_box color="#fbba00" hovercolor="#002664"  icon="fa-globe" headline="National Careers Service" width="fourth" last="false" target="_blank" url=""]We offer free and impartial information, advice and guidance to help you with your decisions about careers, courses and work.[/ut_service_icon_box] [ut_service_icon_box color="#fbba00" hovercolor="#002664"  icon="fa-globe" headline=icould Webiste" width="fourth" last="true" target="_blank" url=""] is a website which is open to everyone which uses the power of personal stories to inform and inspire young people’s career choices.[/ut_service_icon_box] [ut_clear] [ut_service_icon_box color="#fbba00" hovercolor="#002664"  icon="fa-globe" headline="Link 2" width="fourth" last="false" target="_blank" url=""] Year 10 only. You will require an individual PIN number which you get from your form tutor.[/ut_service_icon_box] [ut_service_icon_box color="#fbba00" hovercolor="#002664"  icon="fa-globe" headline="Traveline" width="fourth" last="false" target="_blank" url=""]For public transport journey planning within Great Britain from traveline south east and Anglia in association with TfL and traveline south west, east midlands & west midlands, and with data from all other traveline regions.[/ut_service_icon_box] [ut_service_icon_box color="#fbba00" hovercolor="#002664"  icon="fa-globe" headline="Get My First Job" width="fourth" last="false" target="_blank" url=""]GetMyFirstJob offers you a whole new way to find Apprenticeships, Degree Apprenticeships, Work Experience and Graduate opportunities to get ahead.[/ut_service_icon_box] [ut_service_icon_box color="#fbba00" hovercolor="#002664"  icon="fa-globe" headline="Not going to Uni" width="fourth" last="true" target="_blank" url=""]Not Going To Uni showcases the alternatives to the standard university route for school and college leavers.[/ut_service_icon_box] [ut_clear] [ut_service_icon_box color="#fbba00" hovercolor="#002664"  icon="fa-globe" headline="Career Virtual Tours" width="fourth" last="false" target="_blank" url=""]Although this website is for careers in Norfolk and Suffolk, it has a ‘careers wizard’ tool which allows you to explore a range of careers based on your interests, your skills and your job interests.[/ut_service_icon_box] [ut_service_icon_box color="#fbba00" hovercolor="#002664"  icon="fa-globe" headline="Creative Journeys" width="fourth" last="false" target="_blank" url=""]Careers related to Art and Design – the creative industries is one of the most successful, varied and fastest growing sectors.[/ut_service_icon_box] [ut_service_icon_box color="#fbba00" hovercolor="#002664"  icon="fa-globe" headline="Labour Market Information" width="fourth" last="false" target="_blank" url=""]Information for schools from the National Careers Service.[/ut_service_icon_box] [ut_service_icon_box color="#fbba00" hovercolor="#002664"  icon="fa-globe" headline="HOP Virtual Employer Webinars" width="fourth" last="true" target="_blank" url=""]Opportunity to hear directly from university students and graduates, apprentices, and current professionals.[/ut_service_icon_box] [ut_clear]

The Careerometer

Overview of different careers showing average salary and job description. [ut_one_third]
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[/ut_one_third_last] External providers who wish to develop links with Nobel may wish to view our provider access statement.

Careers Team

Careers Lead – Nick Brown ( 01438 222600) Careers Co-ordinator – Jemma Savo ( 01438 222600) Head of Character – Steve Howells ( 01438 222600)

We are committed to: Securing independent and impartial careers guidance for students in Yrs 8-13 that includes information on the full range of education and training options, including apprenticeshi...

Please click on the link below to view the Nobel News:

Please click on the link below to view the Nobel News: Nobel News – 10 May 2019

Dear parent / carers There is a vacancy for a parent governor on the governing body. The following parents have been nominated: Mrs Kelly Hagland Dr Fiona Kisby Littleton Mrs Felicity Asmaee The ballot is being conducted online, the link for which is below. The ballot will be open for the duration of one week from 30/04/2019 until 6.00pm 06/05/2019. Only the parents of a pupil currently at the school may vote. For the purpose of the election of a parent governor: “Parent” is defined for the purposes of the Constitution regulations as including “any individual who has had parental responsibility for, or cares or has cared for, a child or young person under the age of 18”. It includes a person who the child lives with or who looks after the child, irrespective of what their relationship is with the child. The reference in the definition must be someone involved in the full-time care of the child on a settled basis. Here’s what to do: 1. Click on this link: [ut_button color="theme-btn" target="_blank" link="" size="small" title="Vote here" ]Vote Here[/ut_button] [ut_clear] 2. Read the personal statements of the three nominated candidates; 3. Vote for one candidate by the closing date of 06/05/2019. The votes will be counted at school immediately after the close of the election and we will notify you of the result as soon as possible. Yours sincerely Martyn Henson Headteacher

Dear parent / carers There is a vacancy for a parent governor on the governing body. The following parents have been nominated: Mrs Kelly Hagland Dr Fiona Kisby Littleton Mrs Felicity Asmaee The ballo...