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[ut_one_third]Nobel School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of our students and we expect all members of staff and volunteers to share this commitment. Our aim is to establish an environment where students feel secure, are encouraged to talk, and are listened to when they have a worry or concern. Parents and carers may also contact us where they have concerns about the welfare or safety of their child. Parents need to understand that schools have a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children who are their students, that this responsibility necessitates a child protection policy and procedures, and that a school may need to share information and work in partnership with other agencies when there are concerns about a child’s welfare. A copy of our Child Protection policy, which is updated and reviewed annually, can be accessed here on the website in the section entitled School Policies, Statements and Plans.[/ut_one_third] [ut_two_thirds_last] Students on stairs [/ut_two_thirds_last]

Simply click on the buttons to download PDFs.  Printed copies of these documents are available from the school office.

[ut_service_icon_box color="#fbba00" hovercolor="#002664"  icon="fa-file-pdf-o" headline="Behaviour Policy" width="third" last="false" target="_blank" url=""] This policy is a working document and may change throughout the school year. The Nobel school have embarked upon a cultural change in how we, the adults within the school, approach dealing with both poor and good behaviour.  Learn more...[/ut_service_icon_box] [ut_service_icon_box color="#fbba00" hovercolor="#002664" icon="fa-file-pdf-o" headline="Charges and Remissions Policy" width="third" last="false" target="_blank" url=""] The Governing Body wishes to ensure that education in school hours is free, but recognises that many desirable and enriching activities may only be possible with financial support from parents and carers. Learn more...[/ut_service_icon_box] [ut_service_icon_box color="#fbba00" hovercolor="#002664" icon="fa-file-pdf-o" headline="School Based Complaints Policy" width="third" last="true" target="_blank" url=""] This policy is based on the Model Procedures for dealing with school based complaints produced by Hertfordshire Children’s Services.[/ut_service_icon_box] [ut_clear] [ut_service_icon_box color="#fbba00" hovercolor="#002664" icon="fa-file-pdf-o" headline="Policy for Collective Worship" width="third" last="false" target="_blank" url=""] The Nobel School believes that collective worship both supports and strengthens what we aim to do in every aspect of school life. Learn more...[/ut_service_icon_box] [ut_service_icon_box color="#fbba00" hovercolor="#002664" icon="fa-file-pdf-o" headline="Target Setting Guidance" width="third" last="false" target="_blank" url=""] This guidance has been put together to help students, parents and carers gain an understanding of how Nobel sets student academic targets and measures performance.Learn more...[/ut_service_icon_box] [ut_service_icon_box color="#fbba00" hovercolor="#002664" icon="fa-file-pdf-o" headline="Relationships, Sex and Health Education Policy. " width="third" last="true" target="_blank" url=""] Relationship, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) is part of a lifelong learning about physical, moral and emotional development. Learn more...[/ut_service_icon_box] [ut_clear] [ut_service_icon_box color="#fbba00" hovercolor="#002664" icon="fa-file-pdf-o" headline="SEND Policy" width="third" last="false" target="_blank" url=""] High quality teaching that is differentiated to meet the needs of our students is the first response to supporting students with SEND. Learn more...[/ut_service_icon_box] [ut_service_icon_box color="#fbba00" hovercolor="#002664" icon="fa-file-pdf-o" headline="SEND Information Report" width="third" last="false" target="_blank" url=""] How does the school know if children/young people need extra help and what should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs? Learn more...[/ut_service_icon_box] [ut_service_icon_box color="#fbba00" hovercolor="#002664" icon="fa-file-pdf-o" headline="Child Protection Policy" width="third" last="true" target="_blank" url=""] Safeguarding is defined as protecting children from maltreatment, preventing impairment of health and/or development Learn more...[/ut_service_icon_box] [ut_clear] [ut_service_icon_box color="#fbba00" hovercolor="#002664" icon="fa-file-pdf-o" headline="Freedom of Information Publication Scheme" width="third" last="false" target="_blank" url=""][/ut_service_icon_box] [ut_service_icon_box color="#fbba00" hovercolor="#002664" icon="fa-file-pdf-o" headline="Online Safety Policy" width="third" last="false" target="_blank" url=""] The Nobel School recognises that ICT and the internet are fantastic tools for learning and communication that can be used in school to enhance the curriculum, challenge students, and support creativity and independence. Learn more...[/ut_service_icon_box] [ut_service_icon_box color="#fbba00" hovercolor="#002664" icon="fa-file-pdf-o" headline="Accessibility Policy" width="third" last="true" target="_blank" url=""] Schools are required under the Equality Act 2010 to have an accessibility plan. The purpose of the plan is to: Learn more...[/ut_service_icon_box] [ut_clear] [ut_service_icon_box color="#fbba00" hovercolor="#002664" icon="fa-file-pdf-o" headline="Attendance Policy" width="third" last="false" target="_blank" url=""]The Nobel School is committed to achieving excellent levels of attendance following all National Guidance for maintained schools. The procedures we apply whilst managing school attendance are derived from county and national guidance. Learn more...[/ut_service_icon_box] [ut_service_icon_box color="#fbba00" hovercolor="#002664" icon="fa-file-pdf-o" headline="Bring Your Own Device" width="third" last="false" target="_blank" url=""] The Nobel School recognises that many students have personal laptops or tablets.Learn more...[/ut_service_icon_box] [ut_service_icon_box color="#fbba00" hovercolor="#002664" icon="fa-file-pdf-o" headline="Data Protection Policy" width="third" last="true" target="_blank" url=""] The objectives of this Data Protection Policy are to ensure that Nobel School and its governors and employees are informed about, and comply with, their obligations under the General Data Protection Regulation.Learn more...[/ut_service_icon_box] [ut_clear] [ut_service_icon_box color="#fbba00" hovercolor="#002664" icon="fa-file-pdf-o" headline="Whistle Blowing Policy" width="third" last="false" target="_blank" url=""] This policy and procedure is based on the Hertfordshire model policy for schools, produced in consultation with the professional associations/trade unions.Learn more...[/ut_service_icon_box] [ut_service_icon_box color="#fbba00" hovercolor="#002664"  icon="fa-file-pdf-o" headline="Equality Information and Objectives" width="third" last="true" target="_blank" url=""]This document shows how Nobel School will meet its obligations under the Equality Act 2010, and includes our current equality objectives.[/ut_service_icon_box]   [ut_service_icon_box color="#fbba00" hovercolor="#002664" icon="fa-file-pdf-o" headline="Careers " width="third" last="true" target="_blank" url=""] At The Nobel School we are committed to provide an outstanding Careers Education, Learn more...[/ut_service_icon_box] [ut_clear]

Simply click on the buttons to download PDFs.  Printed copies of these documents are available from the school office.  


Our School...

…is happy, kind and caring; it fosters positive relationships and mutual respect. We embrace diversity in a community full of opportunity that is based on fairness. We celebrate our successes, aspiring to grow academically, culturally and socially so that we can lead happy, fulfilling lives…

…As Proud Nobelians, who

  • are ready, respectful and safe;
  • look after each other and support our community;
  • are courageous, resilient and responsible role models;
  • work hard, have fun and develop a love of learning;
  • challenge ourselves, develop good character and achieve success.
[/ut_one_third] [ut_two_thirds_last] Student outside by oak tree [/ut_two_thirds_last]
Click the links below to view PDFs


Tuesday 25 January

Tuesday 18 January


Wednesday 10 March

Letter to Parents regarding School reopening March 2021

Tuesday 5 January - Covid testing

Monday 4 January


Tuesday 21 December

Tuesday 15 December

Wednesday 9 December

Monday 23 November

Tuesday 17 November

Monday 9 November

Friday 6 November

Thursday 5 November

Thursday 1 October

Wednesday 30 September

Wednesday 16 September

Click the links below to view PDFs 2022 Tuesday 25 January Letter to parents regarding Covid-19 Outbreak Tuesday 18 January Letter to parents regarding Covid-19 vaccinations 2021 Wednesday 10 March Le...

[ut_one_half] [/ut_one_half] [ut_one_half_last] [/ut_one_half_last]

Subject Times Within Head's Of Department Video

English: 0m 00s Maths: 4m 15s Science: 6m 55s Modern Foreign Languages: 10m 49s
[/ut_one_fourth] [ut_one_fourth]
History: 12m 59s Geography: 15m 12s RE: 21m 07s Design and Technology: 26m27s
[/ut_one_fourth] [ut_one_fourth]
Food Technology: 28m 50s Art: 30m 32s Music and Dance: 32m 21s Drama: 35m 23s
[/ut_one_fourth] [ut_one_fourth_last]
PE: 37m 50s IT: 39m 26s
[/ut_one_fourth_last] [ut_one_fourth]

Click the Image To View Our Virtual Tour

[/ut_one_fourth] [ut_three_fourths_last] Dear parents and students, It is a great privilege to be the Head of this lovely school and I am delighted that you are considering Nobel for your child’s secondary education. At Nobel we care about everyone in our community and believe that by emphasising the fundamentals of good behaviour and attendance and through high quality teaching and learning, we can all achieve to the very best of our ability. Studying at Nobel is an enjoyable and positive experience. Our guiding principle in designing the curriculum is the achievement of ALL our students. First and foremost, it is essential that students master core academic subjects. The curriculum in years 7-9 centres on the essential academic subjects including maths, English, sciences, the humanities and languages. At the same time, with first class arts, physical education and technological facilities, Nobel encourages students to expand their horizons, develop a wide range of skills and talents and to have fun. [/ut_three_fourths_last] Our burgeoning Sixth Form takes a very strong lead in setting a good example to younger students both in terms of behaviour and work ethic. Our senior students play a significant role in supporting and leading the rest of the school. Relationships at all levels are outstanding and we work hard to ensure that both students and parents are fully engaged with the learning and the activities taking place. We have superb sports facilities that include a large sports hall, a gymnasium, a fitness suite, a dance studio, AstroTurf, climbing wall, a multi-use games areas and the trim trail. In addition to these new facilities, we have outstanding resources in all other areas and one of the most generously resourced ICT facilities of any school. For students interested in science and technology the facilities at Nobel are unparalleled. In February 2018 Ofsted judged Nobel to be a ‘good’ school, we now intend working towards ‘outstanding’ for our next inspection.. When you join the school you become a Nobelian for life; we will commit to develop the qualities of hard work, friendliness and good character which have always been part of Nobel, and turn them into even greater successes in the future. We work tirelessly to ensure that every Nobelian is supported and stretched to reach their full potential, so that they can lead happy and fulfilling lives. I look forward to welcoming you. [ut_spacer] mhenson [ut_spacer] Martyn Henson Headteacher

Subject Times Within Head’s Of Department Video Our burgeoning Sixth Form takes a very strong lead in setting a good example to younger students both in terms of behaviour and work ethic. Our se...

Students on the stairs

School Day Structure

The school currently operates a 10 day timetable. In addition to assembly/ tutor time, there are 5 sixty minute teaching periods each day. The day begins at 8.30am and morning break is at 11am. Lunch is at 1.20pm for all students and lasts 45 minutes.  The school’s catering team offer a range of cooked foods, snacks and salads. Packed lunches can be eaten in the dining room. School finishes at 3.05pm.
8.30 - 9.00 Assembly/tutor time (one assembly per week)
9.00 - 10.00 Lesson 1
10.00 - 11.00 Lesson 2
11.00 - 11.20 Break
11.20 - 12.20 Lesson 3
12.20 - 1.20 Lesson 4
1.20 - 2.05 Lunch
2.15 - 3.05 Lesson 5

School Day Structure The school currently operates a 10 day timetable. In addition to assembly/ tutor time, there are 5 sixty minute teaching periods each day. The day begins at 8.30am and morning bre...

Schools Closure Notification System - Parent Sign Up

There is a new Schools Closure Notification System which has recently been set up by Hertfordshire County Council which will allow the school to notify the council of a school closure, major incident, crisis or emergency. Parents should register to receive these notifications either by SMS or by email as this will be the schools only method of contacting parents in the event of an emergency school closure due to bad weather. To register please visit the following website: [ut_button color="theme-btn" target="_blank" link="" size="small" title="Register for alerts" ]Register for alerts[/ut_button]
  • At the “Sign Up” page click on the “sign up” button located at the top right hand side of the page on the grey strip and from there follow the instructions. It should take no more than 5 minutes to register and you can edit your information at any time should you change your mobile number or email address. Each contact within the system can have 2 devices added for each communication type which means that in addition to adding your own mobile number and email address, you could include the mobile number and email address of a partner or a grandparent. They too would then receive any messages in relation to the school’s closure. Alternatively, interested parties could register themselves separately.
  • If you have children at more than one school you can register for those schools too in a single registration process by selecting all schools you have children at. Once signed up you will receive messages should the school close in the event of an emergency.
[ut_one_third] If we have very bad weather or other emergencies that prevent the school from opening, please listen for announcements on Jack FM (106.7 and 106.9). Information will also be available at Please note that although we will continue to notify local radio in the event of an emergency closure and will update the website as soon as we are able, our primary method of communication will be by text to the number identified as the primary parent/carer for each of the students in the school. As a result of this, it is essential that we have your up to date mobile phone number. If you are unsure whether or not you have notified us of your mobile number, please send a note to the school with your contact details and a request for your number to be checked on the system. Please discuss with your child what you would want them to do in the event of ANY sudden closure during the day, e.g. go to a designated friend’s house. This is especially important for students who do not live locally. [/ut_one_third] [ut_two_thirds_last] Nobel view from outside [/ut_two_thirds_last] The new buildings mean that once students arrive, they can be taught safely until the end of the normal school day without the need for warmer clothes than usual. As a result, we will not be having dress warm days in the future, and are very unlikely to have to close due to snow. It is very likely, however, that in the event of snow we will have to run a late start to give staff the chance to arrive. Many staff travel quite a long distance to reach school and although they leave early in bad weather, they may then take a considerable time to get through Stevenage due to the local blockages. On such days, the only concession to clothing will be that we expect students to wear shoes that are more weather proof and grippy than their normal school shoes may be. They should also wear a warm and weatherproof coat. We will always try to ensure that you are warned by text, as well as on the website when we have to make changes, but in the event that changes have to be made at a late stage, please rest assured that any students arriving in school will be taken in and kept safely until lessons can start properly as the staff arrive. In this case, all students should go straight to the main hall and dining space, which will be used as the holding area until normal staffing can be resumed. [ut_button color="theme-btn" target="_blank" link="" size="medium" title="Guidance for Working at Home" ]Guidance for Working at Home[/ut_button] [ut_alert color="white"] Dear Parent, Arrangements for Public Examinations (GCSE, AS and A2) during school closure. Should Nobel need to close during the forthcoming public examination period, the following arrangements will be in place:
  • Wherever possible, even if the school is officially closed, we will try to remain open for those students who have public examinations on those days;
  • Examination candidates should attempt to arrive at school at the normal time for their examinations, assuming that it is safe for them to travel;
  • Any student arriving late should report to Reception;
  • If a student is unable to come to school for an examination please telephone and leave a message at Reception;
This arrangement will only take effect if the school is closed. Yours sincerely,   Barry Burningham, Deputy Headteacher [/ut_alert]

Schools Closure Notification System – Parent Sign Up There is a new Schools Closure Notification System which has recently been set up by Hertfordshire County Council which will allow the school...

chef serving food Dear Parents and Carers, [ut_two_thirds] The Government is giving money to schools to help children from lower income families reach their full potential. This funding is called a ‘Pupil Premium’.

The School receives approximately £935 for every student registered for Pupil Premium.

This money enables the school to offer additional mentoring, support initiatives which aid tuition, homework and revision, celebration of success and extra-curricular activities. If you are registered for Free School Meals you could also receive help towards the cost of school trips. Please be assured that the process of purchasing a school meal is completely confidential. Credit will be allocated to student’s accounts and students will use either their school card or fingerprint to purchase a meal in the same way as non-Free School Meal students. [/ut_two_thirds] [ut_one_third_last] [ut_blockquote_right] Did you know… registering your child for Free School Meals means that the school receives extra money? Register now to make sure we do not miss out on funding that can support your child’s learning. [/ut_blockquote_right] [/ut_one_third_last] [ut_alert color="white"]

How does it work?

  1. First check to see if you qualify – please see the list below.
  2. Registering is really quick and easy.
  3. By registering, your child will be entitled to a free healthy main meal every day, which could save you more than £350 per year.
  4. If you do not want your child to have the school meal, do not worry. They can continue with their normal lunch arrangements. However, as long as you qualify and are registered, the school will receive additional funding which will support your child’s learning and achievement.
  5. Applications are confidential and will not affect your entitlement to other benefits.
[/ut_alert] Please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Julia Marshall if you have any questions concerning the above. Yours sincerely mhenson Mr Martyn Henson Headteacher

Do you qualify?

You can register your child for Free School Meals if you receive any of the following benefits: Your child may qualify for a free meal if you receive any of the following:
  • Income Support
  • Income-based Job Seeker's Allowance
  • Income-related Employment Support Allowance
  • Child Tax Credit, (providing you're not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)
  • Pension Credit (Guarantee Credit)
  • Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
Pupils can also register for Free School Meals if they receive any of these benefits themselves.

Please come and talk to us if you are not sure.

Further information can be found by visiting the following website: November 2014

Dear Parents and Carers, Please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Julia Marshall if you have any questions concerning the above. Yours sincerely Mr Martyn Henson Headteacher Do you qualify? You can regis...

Pupil Premium Allocation

Please click on the icons below to view the respective pupil premium allocation report. [ut_service_icon_box color="#fbba00" hovercolor="#002664" icon="fa-file-pdf-o" headline="Pupil Premium Report 2018 to 2019" width="fourth" last="false" target="_blank" url=""]Learn more...[/ut_service_icon_box] [ut_service_icon_box color="#fbba00" hovercolor="#002664" icon="fa-file-pdf-o" headline="Pupil Premium Report 2020 to 2021" width="fourth" last="false" target="_blank" url=""]Learn more...[/ut_service_icon_box] [ut_service_icon_box color="#fbba00" hovercolor="#002664" icon="fa-file-pdf-o" headline="Covid Catch-up Statement" width="fourth" last="false" target="_blank" url=""] Learn more... [/ut_service_icon_box] [ut_service_icon_box color="#fbba00" hovercolor="#002664" icon="fa-file-pdf-o" headline="Pupl Premium Statement" width="fourth" last="true" target="_blank" url=""] Learn more... [/ut_service_icon_box] [ut_clear]

Pupil Premium Allocation Please click on the icons below to view the respective pupil premium allocation report.

  • are ready, respectful and safe;
  • look after each other and support our community;
  • are courageous, resilient and responsible role models;
  • work hard, have fun and develop a love of learning;
  • challenge ourselves, develop good character and achieve success.

are ready, respectful and safe; look after each other and support our community; are courageous, resilient and responsible role models; work hard, have fun and develop a love of learning; challenge ou...

…is happy, kind and caring; it fosters positive relationships and mutual respect. We embrace diversity in a community full of opportunity that is based on fairness. We celebrate our successes, aspiring to grow academically, culturally and socially so that we can lead happy, fulfilling lives…

…is happy, kind and caring; it fosters positive relationships and mutual respect. We embrace diversity in a community full of opportunity that is based on fairness. We celebrate our successes, aspir...

[ut_parallax_quote cite="Albert Einstein"]All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree.[/ut_parallax_quote]