Simply click on the buttons to download PDFs.  Printed copies of these documents are available from the school office.

Behaviour Policy

This policy is a working document and may change throughout the school year. The Nobel school have embarked upon a cultural change in how we, the adults within the school, approach dealing with both poor and good behaviour.  Learn more…

Charges and Remissions Policy

The Governing Body wishes to ensure that education in school hours is free, but recognises that many desirable and enriching activities may only be possible with financial support from parents and carers. Learn more…

School Based Complaints Policy

This policy is based on the Model Procedures for dealing with school based complaints produced by Hertfordshire Children’s Services.

Policy for Collective Worship

The Nobel School believes that collective worship both supports and strengthens what we aim to do in every aspect of school life. Learn more…

Target Setting Guidance

This guidance has been put together to help students, parents and carers gain an understanding of how Nobel sets student academic targets and measures performance.Learn more…

Relationships, Sex and Health Education Policy.

Relationship, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) is part of a lifelong learning about physical, moral and emotional development. Learn more…

SEND Policy

High quality teaching that is differentiated to meet the needs of our students is the first response to supporting students with SEND. Learn more…

SEND Information Report

How does the school know if children/young people need extra help and what should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs? Learn more…

Child Protection Policy

Safeguarding is defined as protecting children from maltreatment, preventing
impairment of health and/or development Learn more…

Freedom of Information Publication Scheme

Online Safety Policy

The Nobel School recognises that ICT and the internet are fantastic tools for learning and communication that can be used in school to enhance the curriculum, challenge students, and support creativity and independence. Learn more…

Accessibility Policy

Schools are required under the Equality Act 2010 to have an accessibility plan. The purpose of the plan is to: Learn more…

Attendance Policy

The Nobel School is committed to achieving excellent levels of attendance following all National Guidance for maintained schools. The procedures we apply whilst managing school attendance are derived from county and national guidance. Learn more…

Bring Your Own Device

The Nobel School recognises that many students have personal laptops or tablets.Learn more…

Data Protection Policy

The objectives of this Data Protection Policy are to ensure that Nobel School and its governors and employees are informed about, and comply with, their obligations under the General Data Protection Regulation.Learn more…

Whistle Blowing Policy

This policy and procedure is based on the Hertfordshire model policy for schools, produced in consultation with the professional associations/trade unions.Learn more…

Equality Information and Objectives

This document shows how Nobel School will meet its obligations under the Equality Act 2010, and includes our current equality objectives.



At The Nobel School we are committed to provide an outstanding Careers Education, Learn more…

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