As a School we agree to:

  • Teach and encourage students to follow the school rules and treat others with respect and consideration
  • Operate fairly the school system of consequences and not tolerate any disruption or bullying
  • Encourage students to seek success through the school rewards system
  • Maintain and develop an atmosphere of good relationships and hard work
  • Check attendance and punctuality and inform parents as soon as possible of unexplained absence
  • Encourage students to attend regularly through the rewards system
  • Check that uniform and equipment are correct and work with students and parents if there are any concerns
  • Ensure uniform is readily available, reasonably priced and is only changed if necessary
  • Plan, prepare and teach effective lessons
  • Give appropriate work, homework and targets with regular checks and marking
  • Enforce the rules on completing homework
  • Encourage students to record all homework and coursework with deadlines in their planner
  • Let parents know about successes and achievements
  • Provide regular information through student planners, newsletters, reports and other special communications
  • Respond professionally to any contact from parents
Science lesson boy with test tube

As a Parent / Carer I agree to:

  • Teach my child to accept staff authority, follow the school rules and be polite and courteous
  • Encourage my child to be successful in the school rewards system
  • Support the school when dealing with broken rules, disruptive behaviour or other action in the school system of consequences
  • Ensure as far as possible my child attends every day and arrives on time
  • Provide the proper uniform and correct equipment
  • Inform the school as soon as possible of absences or other concerns
  • Avoid taking any holiday during school time
  • Support my child’s learning at home and at school
  • Encourage and help in the completion of homework
  • Use the student planner to check on completion of work
  • Celebrate hard work and effort
  • Let the school know about successes and achievements as well as concerns or family difficulties that could affect my child
  • Co-operate with the school to sort out any difficulties that do arise
  • Attend parents’ evenings and attend other school events where possible

As a Student I agree to:

Expectations and Behaviour

  • Follow staff instructions and accept their authority
  • Follow school rules and expectations
  • Be polite and courteous and treat others as I would wish to be treated
  • Respect other people’s rights
  • Aim for success in the school rewards system

Getting to School

  • Attend school every day and arrive on time
  • Make sure I bring the correct equipment and wear the proper uniform in a tidy way
  • Behave in an orderly way going to and from the school and uphold the school reputation

Working and Learning

  • Work and learn to the best of my ability at all times
  • Complete coursework and homework fully and on time
  • Behave properly in lessons and not disturb other students’ learning
  • Use my planner as a guide and get it checked regularly
  • Make sure my homework is always written into my planner

Support and Care

  • Let my teachers and parents know about successes and achievements and any worries I may have
  • Let staff know if I feel bullied or threatened in any way
  • Make sure information from school is passed to my parents as quickly as possible
  • Support and encourage other students

Achieving Success

  • Make the best possible use of my opportunities at The Nobel School
  • Accept responsibility, co-operate and encourage others to do the same
  • Celebrate my success and the success of others
" Honest. Respect. Achievement."

Nobel School
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