In the event of an emergency closure, our primary method of communication will be by text to the number identified as the primary parent/carer for each of the students in the school. As a result of this, it is essential that we have your up to date mobile phone number. If you are unsure whether or not you have notified us of your mobile number, please send a note to the school with your contact details and a request for your number to be checked on the system. We will update the website as soon as we are able.

Please discuss with your child what you would want them to do in the event of ANY sudden closure during the day, e.g. go to a designated friend’s house. This is especially important for students who do not live locally.

Nobel view from outside

The new buildings mean that once students arrive, they can be taught safely until the end of the normal school day without the need for warmer clothes than usual. As a result, we will not be having dress warm days in the future, and are very unlikely to have to close due to snow. It is very likely, however, that in the event of snow we will have to run a late start to give staff the chance to arrive. Many staff travel quite a long distance to reach school and although they leave early in bad weather, they may then take a considerable time to get through Stevenage due to the local blockages. On such days, the only concession to clothing will be that we expect students to wear shoes that are more weather proof and grippy than their normal school shoes may be. They should also wear a warm and weatherproof coat.

We will always try to ensure that you are warned by text, as well as on the website when we have to make changes, but in the event that changes have to be made at a late stage, please rest assured that any students arriving in school will be taken in and kept safely until lessons can start properly as the staff arrive. In this case, all students should go straight to the main hall and dining space, which will be used as the holding area until normal staffing can be resumed.

Guidance for Working at Home

Arrangements for Public Examinations (GCSE, AS and A2) during school closure

Should Nobel need to close during the forthcoming public examination period, the following arrangements will be in place:

  • Wherever possible, even if the school is officially closed, we will try to remain open for those students who have public examinations on those days;
  • Examination candidates should attempt to arrive at school at the normal time for their examinations, assuming that it is safe for them to travel;
  • Any student arriving late should report to Reception;
  • If a student is unable to come to school for an examination please telephone and leave a message at Reception;

This arrangement will only take effect if the school is closed.

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