The Governing Body

Chair of Governors

Mr M Reah


Mr M Henson

Elected Parent Governors

Mr S Dwamena
Miss H Sparks

Elected Staff Governor

Ms J Mordaunt

Partnership Governors

Mr M Reah
Mr J Kellett

Nobel view from outside



Mr M Laws
Ms R Odudu
Mrs C Sutton
Miss S Parr
Reverend K Wood
Mrs S Cowan
Dr S Appiah

Local Authority Governor

Mrs C Crawley

Associate Governors


Clerk to the Governors

Ms J Watts

2024-25 Governor profiles

Governor Attendance Record 2023-24

Financial information

Governors have a responsibility to monitor the school budget, which is managed by the school. In order to ensure that Governors have a suitable mix of skills and capabilities, the Governing Board carries out regular skills audits. Some skills are covered by the work Governors undertake in their working lives and others are covered by Governor training courses. The management of the school budget process is also the subject of regular audits – an audit was carried out in 2018 on the School’s Financial Value Standards.

The Governors are committed to ensuring the financial viability of the school. They also ensure that best practice and the principles of value for money and quality are followed when contracts are negotiated by the school team. The Governing Board, under the Chair, ensures that adequate monitoring of resources is carried out. The Board delegates oversight of financial matters, along with Property and Human Resources issues to the Foundation Committee. The Foundation Committee reports to the Board and is the only committee the Board has established, though ad hoc working groups are formed and disbanded as considered necessary to undertake specific tasks.

The governors review their financial performance against the School Financial Value Standards to identify any developmental issues, to enable collective responsibility for the important financial decisions within the school and to maintain accountability to the various stakeholders.

Click the link below to view the financial information for the school

Governors’ meeting minutes

Click the links below to view PDFs

Contact Chair of Governors via email to clerk:

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