16-19 Discretionary Bursary Fund

The government has granted a small amount of money for schools to provide support for students who face the greatest barriers to continuing their education in the Sixth Form. This letter, and attachments, provide a brief explanation of the fund and encourages any student and their parents/carers to apply for support should they feel they qualify.

You may qualify for the Bursary Fund if you meet one of the following criteria:

  • You have a low family income
  • You can supply evidence of financial hardship that will impact on your son/daughter’s studies. Examples of such evidence include current Working Tax Credit Award Statement, evidence of Job Seekers’ Allowance, Housing Benefit or Income Support or Universal Credit.

The funds available are limited and will be awarded to the students most in need.

An application form is attached to this letter and further information regarding the qualifying criteria can be found by following the link below or on the Sixth Form area of the school website. Please be assured that all applications will be treated in the strictest confidence.

If you would like to discuss an application, please contact our Key Stage 5 Administrative Officer, Elena Hornett by email via elena.hornett@nobel.herts.sch.uk

16-19 Bursary Application Form 16-19 Bursary Guidance
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